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I've got the itch, again, to pursue a pilot's license.  Not certain why, but I have been thinking of all the traveling our family does and how much more fun it could be in a small plane. 

Want to meet the folks for a Sunday lunch--no problem, see you in 30 minutes.  Traveling to family in the South (Florida, Carolinas, Texas & Virginia) will be quicker and more often.  Don't want to spend a whole weekend driving 6 hours away--fly in less than half the time!

I first considered a general recreational license similar to what my Grandpa had when I was growing up.  But... I so much enjoyed my several flights in Ford's 14-passenger Lear jets (that is, until the federal government had better plans).  So, a happy medium may be a private license allowing piloting of a turboprop jet.


  1. I am loving the changes to your blog! Welcome Back! Just another way technology is able to strengthen our marriage!

  2. I had no idea you wanted to be a pilot! That would be great! Git 'er done!!!!

    P.S. Love the updated blog! Looks great!
